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Trust Science Blog

The Trust Science blog brings you the latest innovations in AI, machine learning, and credit underwriting. Our mission is to get deserving people access to the credit they deserve, and we hope you join us on the journey by subscribing below!

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Open Banking and Lending: Expected Changes from the 2024 Canadian Budget

Trust Science Blog Cover

Unlocking Success in Installment Lending Marketing: Avoiding Common Pitfalls for Maximum Impact

Trust Science Blog Covers 230530

Navigating a Changing Interest Rate Environment: How Interest Rate Shifts are Reshaping Subprime Lending

TS Post COVID 19 Movement Towards Economic Normalcy Labour 230518

Post-COVID-19 Movement toward Economic Normalcy; Labor

As bankruptcies have risen and lending standards have tightened, many have expected the labor market to follow suit
TS Post COVID 19 Movement Towards Economic Normalcy Bankruptcies 230518

Post COVID-19 Movement Towards Economic Normalcy; Bankruptcies

With the end of federal pandemic aid in the United States, bankruptcies have risen among both individuals and businesses.
TS Post COVID 19 Movement Towards Economic Normalcy Consumer Credit 230530

Post COVID-19 Movement Towards Economic Normalcy; Consumer Credit

Building off of last week’s topic, CPI and general affordability, this week we’re discussing trends and implications of revolving credit liabilities and credit cards.
TS Post COVID 19 Movement Towards Economic Normalcy CPI 230518

Post COVID-19 Movement Towards Economic Normalcy; CPI

In the face of elevated inflation, central banks have raised rates in an effort to curb spending and growth. Of all affected by these rate hikes the hardest hit have been near-prime and sub-prime borrowers.

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